Seville, The Plaza de Espana

After a sidewalk cafe lunch, stuffing ourselves on the menu del dia, we visited the Plaza de Espana, which was built for the 1929 Worlds Fair. I had visited it years ago, and it is a colorful semi-circle of astonishing tile work that forms a huge open space. There is a curved moat crossed by arching bridges all made of blue, white and yellow tile, where people row boats and laugh at their lack of skill. Every major city in Spain in represented in a tiled bench and surround that wraps around the entire base of the buildings forming the half circle. It was full of families and wedding parties being photographed on this lovely Saturday afternoon.

We topped off the day by visiting the Archeological museum. It is a great little museum that covers prehistory onward, but the best part was all the mosaics, columns, sculpture and other artifacts that came from the important Roman city of Italica that is just a few miles from here. We will go there tomorrow then begin walking our Camino the next day. We actually have to put on our packs tomorrow, and we are tired from these 2 exciting days in Seville. It will be a big shift in our focus.

About marciashaver

Travel lightly, You are not traveling for people to see you Travel expectantly, Every place you visit is like a surprise package to be opened Untie the strings with an expectation of high adventure Travel humbly, Visit people and places with reverence and respect for their traditions and way of life Travel with an open mind, Leave your prejudices at home Travel with curiosity It is not how far you go, But how deeply you go that mines the gold of experience Old Spanish Proverb View all posts by marciashaver

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