What Artist materials will I take with me?

I am in a quandary, as always, about what materials to take on the Via de la Plata. Why does there never seem to be a perfect answer? Last time I took a small set of self-contained,black,  pigment based ink  pens, 1 pencil and eraser, and a 9 X 12 Aqua Bee Super Deluxe Sketchbook with heavy paper suitable for Mixed Media. Even this weighed over 2 pounds.

Before I left, I field-tested every brand of pen sold as art quality pens. I wrote on various papers, then held them under running water! Some bled, ran or changed color immediately. Then I left them exposed to direct sunlight for 2 weeks with ½ of each sample covered up. Many changed color and faded. Micron Pens by Sakura and Faber-Castell Pitt Artist Pens are both rock solid. They do not run, fade, or bleed and I highly recommend these 2 brands.

I thought I had the perfect compact art kit but, needless to say, I had never done pen and ink. I was unaware that it was such a detailed and time-consuming process. It took hours, even days, to complete each drawing once I returned home. However, I love that they are reminiscent of etchings that were the method of portraying imagery long before photographs existed. It creates a bridge between the past and present by creating contemporary imagery with an ancient technique. This time I will definitely still take my  pen and ink, but I want to try a fresher and more spontaneous approach. And I really missed my colors!  I have looked deep into my artist’s heart, and I have a premonition of a shopping trip in the near future.

About marciashaver

Travel lightly, You are not traveling for people to see you Travel expectantly, Every place you visit is like a surprise package to be opened Untie the strings with an expectation of high adventure Travel humbly, Visit people and places with reverence and respect for their traditions and way of life Travel with an open mind, Leave your prejudices at home Travel with curiosity It is not how far you go, But how deeply you go that mines the gold of experience Old Spanish Proverb www.theartistsjourney.com View all posts by marciashaver

One response to “What Artist materials will I take with me?

  • Melissa

    I’m also an artist, leaving for the Via de la Plata on May 4. So exciting! This pilgrimage –and the last, the Camino Frances in 2006– I am toting Derwent water-soluble colored pencils. They work dry as colored pencils, but if you wet them they work as watercolors. I also love my Rotring refillable ink pen, which uses small cartridges of ink. A couple of brushes, a pencil sharpener, and voila– a very portable traveling art kit.
    Whatever you bring, buen camino! I look forward to reading about your adventures.

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